Monday, August 11, 2008

and the garden

When we bought Little Acorns the garden was so overgrown it was impossible to tell what exactly was what. In actual fact the garden is fantastic and laid out with stones bordering every possible flower bed, path and areas. It is also walled with dry stone walling - but it had all been so abandoned that it was impossible to work out the weeds from the grass, from the flower beds.

Having spent the summer holidays working and working we have uncovered an amazing garden that was once lovingly laid out and planned. The sad thing is, is that the flowers and shrubs have long since been allowed to get taken over by weeds and wild berries.

One day it will be resumed to its previously beautiful self - I will plant lavender, rhodedenron bushes and azalea. We will have lupins, clematis and wonderful tulips that will make Little Acorns the pride of the area day - just one day that day will come ! I promise.

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